Amiga Format CD 33
Amiga Format AFCD33 (Issue 117, Dec 1998).iso
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Text File
334 lines
; ArtPRO installations Script
; © 1997 Defect Softworks All rights reserved.
; May only be distributed within the ArtPRO package
; Written by Frank Pagels /DFT
; Date: 27/Aug/98
(set falsekickmsg "You need at least OS 3.00 to run ArtPRO!") ;!!!
(set OS_VER (/ (getversion) 65536) )
(if(< OS_VER 39)
(abort falsekickmsg)
(set cpu (database "cpu")) ;check CPU Type
(if (or (= cpu 68020) (= cpu 68030)) (set #cpu 0))
(if (= cpu 68040) (set #cpu 1))
(if (> (exists ("libs:68060.library")) 0) (set #cpu 2) )
(set #doclang 0)
(if (= @language "deutsch") (set #doclang 1))
(set progdir1
(askdir (prompt "In wich drawer should ArtPRO be installed?\n (a drawer will be created)")
(help @askdir-help)
(DEFAULT @default-dest)))
( (makedir (tackon progdir1 "ArtPRO"))
(copyfiles (source "Icons/ArtPRO.info")
(dest progdir1))
(set progdir (tackon progdir1 "ArtPRO"))
(copyfiles (source "ArtPRO")
(dest progdir))
(copyfiles (source "installdata/ArtPRO.info") ;!!!
(dest progdir))
;------ Install Loader -------
(makedir (tackon progdir "ALoaders"))
(copyfiles (source "Aloaders")
(dest (tackon progdir "ALoaders"))
;------ Install Saver --------
(makedir (tackon progdir "ASavers"))
(copyfiles (source "ASavers")
(dest (tackon progdir "ASavers"))
;------ Install Operator --------
(makedir (tackon progdir "AOperators"))
(copyfiles (source "AOperators")
(dest (tackon progdir "AOperators"))
;----- Copy needed Librarys
(prompt "Copy ReqTools.library")
(help @copylib-help)
(source "libs/reqtools.library")
(dest "Libs:")
(Set #WhatLib
(cat "Which version of the render.library do you want to install now ?"))
(set InstallLib
(prompt #WhatLib)
(help @askoptions-help)
"020" ;Bit 0
"040" ;Bit 1
"060") ;Bit 2
(default #cpu)
(if (= InstallLib 0)
(prompt "Copy Render.library")
(help @copylib-help)
(source "libs/render.library_68020")
(dest "Libs:")
(newname "render.library")
(if (= InstallLib 1)
(prompt "Copy Render.library")
(help @copylib-help)
(source "libs/render.library_68040")
(dest "Libs:")
(newname "render.library")
(if (= InstallLib 2)
(prompt "Copy Render.library")
(help @copylib-help)
(source "libs/render.library_68060")
(dest "Libs:")
(newname "render.library")
(Set #WhatLib
(cat "Which version of the guigfx.library do you want to install now ?"))
(set InstallLib
(prompt #WhatLib)
(help @askoptions-help)
"020" ;Bit 0
"040" ;Bit 1
"060" ;Bit 2
"020+FPU") ;Bit 3
(default #cpu)
(if (= InstallLib 0)
(prompt "Copy Guigfx.library")
(help @copylib-help)
(source "libs/guigfx.library")
(dest "Libs:")
(newname "guigfx.library")
(if (= InstallLib 1)
(prompt "Copy Guigfx.library")
(help @copylib-help)
(source "libs/guigfx.library_68040")
(dest "Libs:")
(newname "guigfx.library")
(if (= InstallLib 2)
(prompt "Copy Guigfx.library")
(help @copylib-help)
(source "libs/guigfx.library_68060")
(dest "Libs:")
(newname "guigfx.library")
(if (= InstallLib 3)
(prompt "Copy Guigfx.library")
(help @copylib-help)
(source "libs/guigfx.library_FPU")
(dest "Libs:")
(newname "guigfx.library")
;----- copy Dokumentation ------
(Set #Whatdoc
(cat "What ArtPRO documentation would you like to install?\n"))
(set Installdoc
(prompt #Whatdoc)
(help @askoptions-help)
"English" ;Bit 0
"German") ;Bit 1
(default #doclang)
(set docdir
(askdir (prompt "Select a drawer for the Guide:")
(help @askdir-help)
(DEFAULT progdir)))
(if (= Installdoc 0)
(copyfiles (source "docs/english/ArtPRO.guide") ;!!!
(dest docdir))
(copyfiles (source "installdata/ArtPRO.guide.info") ;!!!
(dest docdir))
(if (= Installdoc 1)
(copyfiles (source "docs/deutsch/ArtPRO.guide")
(dest docdir))
(copyfiles (source "docs/deutsch/ArtPRO.guide.info")
(dest docdir))
;---- Kopiere Icons ----
(makedir (tackon progdir "Icons"))
(copyfiles (source "Icons")
(dest (tackon progdir "Icons"))
(copyfiles (source "installdata/Icons.info") ;!!!
(dest progdir))
(set appdir
(askdir (prompt "In wich drawer should the external AppIcon be installed?")
(help @askdir-help)
(DEFAULT progdir)))
(copyfiles (source "Installdata/AppIcon.info")
(dest appdir)
(Tooltype (dest (tackon progdir "ArtPRO"))
(Settooltype "APPICON" (tackon appdir "AppIcon"))
(set @default-dest progdir)
;-- lege tmp dir fest
(set tmpdir
(askdir (prompt "Wich drawer should be used for the undo files ?")
(help @askdir-help)
(DEFAULT "T:")))
(Tooltype (dest (tackon progdir "ArtPRO"))
(Settooltype "TMPDIR" tmpdir ))
(set level
(askstring (prompt "Enter number of undo levels")
(help @askstring-help)
(DEFAULT "3")))
(Tooltype (dest (tackon progdir "ArtPRO"))
(Settooltype "UNDOLEVEL" level ))
(copyfiles (source "Orderform.doc")
(dest progdir)
(copyfiles (source "Orderform.dok")
(dest progdir)
(makedir "ENV:ArtPRO")
(makedir "ENVARC:ArtPRO")
(if (<> (exists ("sys:classes/codecs/jpeg.codec")) 1)
(Set #Whatdoc
( cat "Now installing the Jpeg Codec by\n Cristoph Feck. It is needed for\n the Jpeg loader/saver.\n")
(Message #whatdoc)
(set @execute-dir "jpeg-cdc_dist")
(run (safe) "sys:utilities/installer SCRIPT install APPNAME Jpeg_Codec")
(exit "Note: ArtPRO is Shareware!\n\n"
"Render.library and Guigfx.library\n"
"are (C) by Timm Müller!\n\n"
"Enjoy this!")